<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: Use this page to reference your rates. You can also choose to share this page with brands.


[Your Name/Brand Name]

Contact Information:

1. Social Media Posts

Platform Type Description Price
Instagram Feed Post One photo post $[Price]
Instagram Story (per frame) One frame in story $[Price]
Instagram Reel One reel $[Price]
Twitter Tweet One tweet $[Price]
Twitter Thread Multi-tweet thread $[Price]
TikTok Video One video $[Price]

2. Podcast Features

Feature Description Price
Pre-roll Ad 30 seconds $[Price]
Mid-roll Ad 60 seconds $[Price]

3. Sponsored Content

Platform Type Description Price
Blog Sponsored Post One blog post $[Price]
YouTube Dedicated Video One dedicated video $[Price]
YouTube Mention in Video Mention in an existing video $[Price]

4. Other Services

Service Description Price
Giveaway Hosting Hosting a giveaway on your platform $[Price]
Product Review Reviewing a product $[Price]
Brand Ambassadorship Long-term partnership $[Price] (monthly/quarterly)
